Wednesday, July 30, 2008

'Vegetable' and 'Thank you'

I've noticed that although our crew is picking up quite a bit of Spanish they do seem to be struggling with one word in particular - 'por favor' or 'please' for you gringos.

When I listen more closely Lily tends to say 'Veg-e-table' or 'Begh-e-ble' for 'por favor'. Must sound the same to her.

Will says a myriad of things in place of 'por favor' including 'bor -ee-bor' and 'pop-i-cal' (also used for popsicle). I guess any three syllable word will do.

It appears Evan says something most similar like 'bor-ba-bor' and 'bor-bee-bor'

On the bright side they all have 'gracias' nailed.

I've got to get this on video.


Denise said...

I would love to see that video. It has to be hilarious.

GrammaG said...

So sweet. I am so lucky you blog frequently, for I am missing my grandbabies. Hopefully soon they will be able to spend time with me in Florida.

GrammaG said...

I just noticed 22 blog entries during the month of July. You rock!