Holden was happy as ever, dancing to the organ music and singing out during mass. He managed to stay in good spirits even though he had a stomach bug and subsequent poo-tastraphe in the middle of the mass. I cleaned him up the best I could and wrapped a blanket around his soaked overalls. He stunk to high heavan but luckily his godmother Michelle was gracious enough to hold him anyway and he slept peacefully through the entire baptism ceremony like a cherub, only stirring a bit at the second dousing of holy water.
We were happy to get him home and in the bath, a quick change and then a fun celebration for the newly baptised boys at our home.
We are delighted to have the honor to be baby Jack's godparents and glad that our boys were able to share this special day.
Baby Holden and GG at the begining of mass.
Will absorbed with his trains on the church steps.
Baby Jack with parents Tia Christy and Chris and paternal grandparents Mary and John.
Holden's godparents Stuart and Michelle.
Our boys.