Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Banana Splits and More

...for my birthday at work. Yum.

David took my  mom and I out to dinner at Justine's on my actual birthday earlier this month.  And my mom took the kids shopping for me, so I was showered with cute treats that they hand selected and wrapped....sparkely red nail polish from Holden, ballet slipper pink nail polish from Lily Clare, an expandable brush/mirror compact from Evan (doubles as toy eating monster) and a crystal embellished gold vitamin box from Will. 

Here we are eating strawberry cupcakes that my mom made, my favorite.  You can get a glimpse of the prints David got me for our dinning room wall.  But the best treat of all was spending time with the ones I love. I'm a lucky gal.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Wishing You a Wonderful Easter

Holden, Will, Evan, Lily Clare

We have had a full Easter weekend.  David had Good Friday off so we kicked off our holiday by going to Sea World on Friday,  followed by a big Easter Hunt and festivities with some friends on Saturday, staying late for pool and pizza. 

The Easter Bunny delivered four amazing baskets this morning.

How did that bunny know exactly what each child wanted??

We swiftly got ready for church and slid in just in time. Everyone was clean (mostly, if pool water counts) and had their Sunday clothes on so I insisted on capturing a few photos.

Me and my brood. I have very few photos with my whole gang, almost everyone is smiling.

Family photo (wrong camera setting, just squint)
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We had an egg hunt at home with Grammy, Papa and GG followed by brunch of eggs with goat cheese, roasted tomatoes and mushrooms, Brioche French toast with fruit, Bloody Mary drinks and white wine.  Then nap time for all and about to head off to Grammy and Papa's house for dinner.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Evan's Invention

Ramp with built in garage....

David is somewhere...

on this island.  Do you recognize it?  More hints, man made islands/peninsulas, sandy desert terrain, safari dinners, home of tallest skyscraper in the world.

Luckily both grandmas are back in town and helping me out while David is away.  They ran the show while I went out for an early birthday celebration last night with friends.  I was awakened by three cuddly boys early this morning, who each wanted a coveted spot right next to mom.

Answer: Dubai, Saudi Arabia.

Saturday, April 02, 2011