Friday, November 03, 2006


Here's a peak into our daily routine.

During the Day:
The babies eat every 3 hours during the day just like in the NICU. We try to finish the bottles in 30 mins, but it usually takes 40 mins or more.

In the morning we open the shades, turn on the lights and play music to help let them know it is daytime.

Then we have 'awake time' for ~30 mins. Holding, rocking, singing, activity mat, going for a walk, reading books. It's exciting to see them starting to look at the pages.

Then everyone is back to bed for the last 2 hours. The exeption is walk time where they crash out pretty quickly in their strollers and I walk for much of the nap time.

We have met tons of our neighbors by walking everyday. It has been nice that the weather has been so pleasant.

At night:
We let them sleep until the first one wakes up. If one wakes up a bit before 4 hours I may rock them and try to hold them off for 15-30 mins. Then feed all and back to bed.They are eating about 3-5oz per feeding these days.

Babies are great with the schedule. Staying asleep during nap time is another matter. Most of the time they are great sleepers but other times they take turns crying usually for their paci or they just need another burp or new diaper.

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