5:00am: Will wakes hungry, give him a bottle and a clean diaper then back to bed.
6:30 am: Rise and shine, everyone is all smiles.
First bottle of the day, followed by play time in the den. We listen to music, 'Kings of Convenience' this morning.
We’ve blocked off the den with their toy baskets, which we hope will hold them off for a bit longer. The rest of the den is baby proofed so we let them crawl around and explore.
Evan and Lily are still mostly commando crawling, but starting to try out different techniques. Will is crawling on hands and knees. They are fast.
We try a couple races to toys, Evan and Will are neck and neck, Lily gets distracted and goes off in her own direction.
Evan pulled himself to standing using the book basket. First time, wow!
7:30am: David and I pack everyone up and head to Pacha for coffee and some breakfast. Babies are very good hanging out in the baby jogger, playing with their toys and having some bites of apricot and pear baby food.
9:00am: Nap time for everyone. David and I actually take a nap when the babies go down (this is rare)
10:30am: Time for second bottle, followed by lunch of mac and cheese, peas, puffs and sweet potato. Everyone has food in their hair and on their clothes, including me and David.
David and I have lunch and watch the babies play in the den.
12:30pm: Naptime.
1:30pm: We pack up the car and transfer the kids to their car seats for the remainder of the nap. Off to Grammy and Papa's house.
pack list:
bathing suits, floats, sunscreen
diapers, wipes, diaper cream, burp cloths
toys, baby ogers
formula, bottles
dry clothes, pjs
2:00pm: Afternoon bottles, then we hit the pool.
Babies love the pool, even though it was a bit chilly today. They each have their own yellow round float but also like being held so they can practice swim, kicking and laughing and trying to put their face in the water.
3:30pm: Put babies in warm dry clothing, they crawl around the living room while we grill and hang out.
Lily does her 'yoga' routine. She stretches out one leg, then the other, then does downward dog with her but up in the air and straight legs. I think it is her ‘safe’ way of practicing standing. She finishes with a split. Very nice.
4:30pm: Babies in PJs, dinner bottles and we head home. Babies are all asleep in their carseats by the time we arrive home.
5:00pm: Babies are sleepy so we just give them more milk instead of a full dinner and they are off to bed. Will and Lily crash out.
Evan has a second wind of energy so we sit on the front porch together with David. Or rather, I try to keep Evan from nosediving off of the chair into the potted plant and from eating the leaves from the bush nearby, while catching up on conversation with David and having a glass of wine.
6:00pm: Evan finally goes down.
7:00pm: Hang out with Uncle Jason, we watch sunday Sopranos and Entourage and call it a night. Brian was out of town so we wil save the shows on our dvr.
10:30pm: Blog and goodnight.
1 comment:
WOW, I am tired just reading this....and I live it everyday!!
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