This is what you will find us doing every day after dinner. The weather has been beautiful and we have been taking full advantage of the new sidewalk around our park. Our path takes us down around the park and to our tennis courts. The upside to old courts is that no one minds that all the toddlers take it over with their riding toys.
Evan is really ready for a big bike, maybe Santa will bring him one.
I do believe all three are ready for bicycles with training wheels. What a sight that will be. Evan has been intrigued with bicycles forever. I can just imagine what his expression will be when he sees his bicycle for the first time....
Jennifer, check out the Skuut balance bikes. Very cool, I just got one for my 3yo niece. Wish I had known about them when my kids were small. With the Skuut they learn to balance (it has no pedals, so they scoot around a la Fred Flinstone) and so then they can go directly to bikes without training wheels. And htey are cute beyond words!
Thanks Raji, I have seen those but forgot about them. I have heard that it helps the transition to big kid bikes with out training wheels.
I love the new blog look. Good job Jenn!
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